Make the perfect Gin and Tonic the Keith Prowse way

DAIMANI is happy to pay a gigantic tip of the hat to the UK-based sports hospitality company Keith Prowse who are synonymous with Great British Summers thanks to their exceptional portfolio of events.

Their properties include the official VIP Hospitality programmes of next year’s Investec Derby Festival and the Fever-Tree Championship all of which you can purchase now through DAIMANI.

Highlights from two days of the last year’s Investec Derby Festival at Epsom Downs 

Keith Prowse’s relationship with such premium events and the discerning clientele they service is why we encourage you to take seriously their inside tips as to how best to pour the perfect Gin and Tonic, another summer staple.

The article takes you through the critical elements needed: the right glass, the ice, the gin, the tonic and the garnish.

A brief history of the Gin and Tonic, created as a medicinal drink by the British to treat malaria in India, thanks to its special ingredient, quinine.

But be aware: ‘The order in which a G&T is compiled could perhaps be the most important thing to remember here. So, just as a reminder, here it goes:

1. Get the glass as cold as possible

2. Add lots and lots of ice

3. Add your gin

4. Top with your tonic of choice

5. Give it a gentle stir

6. Top with the garnish of your choice

7. Enjoy (and consider a repeat)!

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